Friday, March 19, 2010

Catching Up

Wow, I cannot believe I have not posted anything in 2 months. We had computer issues and had to buy a new laptop. Then, the laptop repair shop tried to send us home with someone else's hardrive, so it has been a battle to get all of our photos and files back. I have wanted to post an update, but it has not been easy to say the least.

So what it new with the Carlson's? Nick hasn't had to travel much in the last couple of months, which has been awesome. The weather has been so nice lately and we have been able to spend a lot of time outside. Isaiah gets so excited when Nick gets home from work. We call it "partytime" and he knows exactly what we are talking about. He walks over to the babygate and begs Nick to take him downstairs (where all the good toys are).

I am in the middle of taking the NASM Personal Trainer course. It is a home study course, and then I take the final exam through BSU. I am learning so much it is crazy. I am putting together my first bootcamp and hope to kick that off the second week of May here in Boise. I will probably post more on that later.

I am sad to say that Baby Isaiah is no more. He has transformed into a big kid overnight. He uses his little potty, eats with full size silverware and drinks from a glass. He thinks it is pretty cool to walk everywhere we go because...."Who needs a stroller?"! He knows about 12 songs and hums them to himself as he falls asleep each night. Also true to his new big kid self, he adds sound effects to everything. He LOVES firetrucks, ambulances, and police cars. Here's a funny story that I am a little ashamed to tell: Today I was driving out to Kuna to take Isaiah to the library for his music class. We were running late, and I was unconsciously speeding down the desolate country road....desolate except for my Tahoe and the police cruiser coming my way. I was giving Isaiah a play by play explanation of what was happening the way I always do, trying to help him with his speaking. I said "Mommy is getting pulled over by the policeman because she was driving too fast. That was a no no." As I rolled down my window to give the officer my licence and registration, I could only laugh at Isaiah in the background going "Woo Woo Woo Honk Honk" just like a firetruck or police car sound. I was not laughing at the nasty ticket I got!

These are just some random photos of Isaiah taken recently. Sorry the resolution is not great, I had to use my cell phone.

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