Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Best Thing So Far...

Being a parent is a very hard thing. No one ever talks about how you will never sleep again, or how you will always have a cloud of worry and concern for your child hovering overhead, or how some days when you find yourself with 5 extra minutes, you have to make the decision of whether to eat, sleep, or shower, but not all three. However, the joys that come with parenthood far outweigh these minor difficulties. Lately, Isaiah has been all about the Mommy love. He calls out for me when I walk away, looks for me while I am gone, and gives me sweet hugs and kisses when I come back...every single time. I love this little guy so much it hurts.


  1. My favorite part of this picture is his chubby little hand on your shoulder. :0)

  2. I totally understand. Why is it that our hearts melt so much for these little blessings. It worries me when they get to their teen years. Just think of all the things we put our parents through. Love the pictures!
